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Virtual Tags per iOS 

  Un astuccio di pennarelli per tornare a scrivere sul libro della fantasia

Fabrizio Bartolomucci: Ideation and development

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Gradutated in Computer Science in Pisa in 1988 with a dissertation in Logic Programming and already involved in multi-device computer programming since his youth years, he got involved since then in a number of projects in the fields of web development, workflow management and project development in the languages c, c++, delphi, C# and objective-c. He is fluent in Italian, English, French and German.

Sara Ceracchi: graphic design

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Graduated in History and Criticism of Cinema in 2007, she's a graphic designer since three years. She works with 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, and many other software packets in order to perform creative graphic and video editing.
She's also been a cartoonist for a number of magazines and storyboards. Her passion for cinema sometimes drugs her to produce short animation or live action movies.

Supporto Versioni Internazionali:

Beta Testing:
Sara Muscogiuri, Eya Filicori

Deirdre Winter (Inglese)
Kate Lieselotte (Tedesco)
Anna Franco (Francese)

Sergio Budano
Nicola De Santis
Sara Ceracchi
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